Navigation Echosounder

Navigation Echosounder LAZ 5100

LAZ 5100 is the latest navigation echo sounder of Wärtsilä ELAC Nautik, available as single- or dual-frequency unit. Transducers with frequencies from 24 kHz to 200 kHz can be connected, the maximum measuring range is 2000 m. The LAZ 5100 allows a reliable detection of the sea bottom in shallow as well as in deep water. It fulfills the requirements of IMO for navigation equipment and is type-approved by BSH, USCG and CCS.

Until today already more than 6,500 units have been sold. The LAZ 5100 is suitable for vessels of all sizes and can be used both for new buildings and modernization projects. It can operate a variety of transducers both of L-3 ELAC Nautik and other manufacturers, thus it is qualified for an easy modernization and repair of navigation echo sounder systems.

The electronic unit can operate 8 different frequencies and a menu controlled transducer and performance setting allows an easy set-up of the echo sounder system. The large 10.4” high resolution display shows detailed depth information. The water depth is presented as a colored echogram to show the trend of the water depth below to vessel. In addition the current water depth is displayed digitally together with information about the ship's position, date and time. The display can be dimmed in 9 steps for a non-dazzling readout during twilight and night.